Hot Diggety! Gill, Geoffrey L. was rumored to have written: > I'm bringing up a remote AIX system with a 3584. Seems as though IBM > left it in an unusable state and I'm trying to figure out why. What I > originally saw was the below output minus the 3584 info. I ran cfgmgr > and now have the below output. What is odd to me is that there are 3 > 3584's showing up. > > Can anyone shed some light on the library or tape drive issue? > > # lsdev -Cc tape > > rmt0 Available 40-60-00-5,0 SCSI 4mm Tape Drive > > rmt1 Available 14-08-02 Other FC SCSI Tape Drive > rmt2 Available 17-08-01 Other FC SCSI Tape Drive > rmt3 Available 54-08-01 Other FC SCSI Tape Drive > rmt4 Defined 1A-08-02 Other FC SCSI Tape Drive > rmt5 Defined 21-08-01 Other FC SCSI Tape Drive > rmt6 Defined 5A-08-01 Other FC SCSI Tape Drive > smc0 Available 14-08-02 IBM 3584 Library Medium Changer (FCP) > smc1 Available 17-08-01 IBM 3584 Library Medium Changer (FCP) > smc2 Available 54-08-01 IBM 3584 Library Medium Changer (FCP)
A possibility is that there were multiple control paths defined in the 3584 library. This can be adjusted via the 3584 front panel LCD, or I think, also the web interface (though I never used it much due to the infamous 3584 ethernet issues). The 'Other FC SCSI...' looks odd, though. Does the system have Atape installed? And the drives are IBM LTO drives? Could be that rmt4-6 was seen before additional control paths were defined, because once you have additional CPs, your view of the drives contained in them can be blocked. Ultimately, I think you want to determine if the 3 CPs is what you want. If not, needs to be set back to the default one CP for entire library. You'll also want to figure out why the LTO tape drives aren't showing up right if they're IBM LTO tape drives. Another thing to triple check with the 3584, in my experience, is to ensure the drives, library, and FC adapter microcode are all at the latest available and stable revision. If you're still stuck, even after adjusting all these as desired, then please describe the 3584 setup (1 L32 and how many D32s, how many drives, what type of drives and their mfr, microcode revs for library, drives, and FC adapter, what FC adapter, what host type/model, what host OS and version is running, level of Atape installed, etc. -Dan