On Sun, 04 Jun 2006, Dan Foster might have said:

> Hot Diggety! Mike was rumored to have written:
> >
> > The file (tsm.so) compiles great and connects to the tsm server just fine.
> > Only when I issue the management class query does it complain about the
> > structure version number.
> >
> > I am using vac/cc. No need to copy the library to /usr/lib since the 
> > extension
> > compiles and connects without error.
> Well, the reason why I mention it is because this version error
> indicates a mismatch against library and header files. Meaning, it's
> possible to compile fine but fail at the run-time check.
> Besides, I think the makefile is specifically looking for libApiDS.a in
> /usr/lib; take a look at the makefile. Makefile is also looking for
> header files in current directory by default, too, I think.
> Next step would be to verify that /usr/lib/libApiDS.a and
> /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin/libApiDS.a are identical, possibly by
> running md5, md5sum, or some such utility.
> Then compare time/datestamps, and so forth, for both libApiDS.a *and*
> the header files. You could be picking up an older version of either
> from somewhere unexpected or forgotten about.
> You've got the right package installed, but the error is indicating
> something is out of sync between the library and header files.
> So you need to identify and find where the older/incorrect stuff is,
> then correct it, then recompile.
> -Dan

Thanks for the pointers. The file /usr/lib/libApiDS.a is a symlink
to the same file at /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin/libApiDS.a. My
Makefile specifically mentions '-I /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin/sample'
as the include file location.

The only headers I found are:

txaix001:/home/megglest/plt/mlib>find / -name dsmapitd.h -ls 2> /dev/null
294954   68 -rw-r--r--  1 root     system      69576 Nov 21  2005 
294958   68 -rw-r--r--  1 root     system      69576 Nov 21  2005 

They appear identical and where I expect them. I worry the API is off
somehow from the running server. This is a node and not the server.
Using the same lslpp command I see the same versioning of the same
filesets on both node and server.


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