On Jun 1, 2006, at 7:19 PM, Paul Dudley wrote:
I know that I can delete archives via the Backup-Archive GUI using the
Delete Archives option.
Is it possible on a linux server to also delete these at a command
It's not clear what you're asking, as "linux server" is ambiguous...
If you mean that the archiving client is accessing a TSM server which
runs on Linux, and you seek to issue some kind of TSM server command
to delete some Archive files, then no, there is no capability for
that (because it would violate ownership and control conventions).
You can perform client actions from a node different from the one which
stored the files in TSM, via the means summarized in the client manual
(Set Access and Virtualnodename, and maybe Proxy Node), presuming that
the clients are the same OS type.
Richard Sims http://people.bu.edu/rbs