Just setup the Storage Agents as you normally would. The only exception is
that you create the paths on the TSM Library Manager. Then the TSM Library
Client will pass the mount requests to the Library Manager without any
special configuration.

Gerald Michalak
Certified TSM V5.3 Admin.

"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 05/11/2006
08:59:22 AM:

> I am trying to share a 3494 tape library between two TSM servers.  The
> TSM Library Manager server has storage agents defined to it but I would
> like to define storage agents on the TSM Library Client server.  With no
> drives defined on the TSM Library Client server is it possible to define
> storage agents and how would you do that?
> ************************
> Ellen Deschenes
> UITS Server Support
> 486-8341

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