Thanks Richard. That tape is in use in "reclamation process"
51 Space Reclamation Volume FZW945 (storage pool CTA-SUN-ARCHS1), Mov ved Files: 126, Moved Bytes: 3,122,093, Unreada able Files: 0, Unreadable Bytes: 0. Current Phy ysical File (bytes): 7,846,095 Current input volume: FZW945. Waiting for mount of scratch volume (180001 sec conds). There´re no sessions requesting that tape and if I excecute query request: ANR8346I QUERY REQUEST: No requests are outstanding. I´ve 2 drives, and that situation had happens with 2 drives and many tapes since many days ago. When I restart the sever the problem disappeared for a few days and happens again. There´s another test that I can make? Thanks again Marcelo. -----Mensaje original----- De: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] En nombre de Richard Sims Enviado el: viernes, 21 de abril de 2006 9:05 Para: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Asunto: Re: [ADSM-L] cannot dismount tape Marcelo - Use Query PRocess and Query SEssion Format=Detailed to see if the tape/drive is actually in use, and Query Request to see if an associated tape is needed. A situation which goes on for days, as you have encountered, is abnormal, and may indicate that a tape mount is actually not completing, and that can be due to a drive defect or even a tape already in the drive (stuck there, after a previous dismount failed). Inspect the drive for problems. Depending upon your drive type, a Reset or power cycle may clear its condition. But thereafter keep an eye on the drive for further problems, where a technician would have to work on it. Richard Sims