Joni, Have a look at the CONTENTS table, as that includes volume names, node names and file names.
Another approach that I'd suggest you follow first: check for any volumes or storage pools with access other than readwrite or readonly; any random access disk storage pool volumes that are offline; and any volumes where the error state is YES. Regards, Andy Andy Raibeck IBM Software Group Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM Tivoli Storage Manager support web page: The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked. The command line is your friend. "Good enough" is the enemy of excellence. "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 04/19/2006 11:52:24: > How would I be able to tell what onsite tape the following file is located > on? /n03/data/penv/merc/restored/V110260.1.000065s13m01.mi.16315970.Z > > Someone is trying to restore this file and it keeps trying to go to the > offsite tape, but I do not see any reference to an onsite tape within the > activity log, so I thought I would try to figure out what tape it is on... > Any ideas? > > Thanks in advance! > > ******************************** > Joni Moyer > Highmark > Storage Systems, Senior Systems Programmer > Phone Number: (717)302-9966 > Fax: (717) 302-9826 > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > ********************************