Nothing is too ridiculous when troubleshooting!

The time on on z/OS server is correct:

OCurrent Date and Time on the Server     
04/19/2006 08:39:08                     
OUTC (GMT) Date/Time is: 04/19/2006 12:39:08
Last Noted Date/Time is: 04/19/2006 08:31:45

Q PO shows this:

Policy              Policy            Default       Description             
Domain           Set Name      Mgmt          
Name                                   Class         
---------           ---------        ---------            

DOMAIN30     ACTIVE        STANDARD      Installed default policy set.          
DOMAIN30     ACTIVE        STANDARD      Installed default policy set.          

This is the managment class that the Q BA shows as well. 
I verified that expiration has fininshed on this server, and ran again
this morning. The "overdue" files are still there.

>>> Richard Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 4/18/06 3:29 PM >>>
On Apr 18, 2006, at 3:11 PM, Kevin Kinder wrote:

> ...
> Everything looks to be correct, so I am still stumped. Thanks for  
> the suggestions so far - anything else?

This suggestion may seem ridiculous, but from things I've seen in the  
past, it's a thing to examine...

Do a SHOW TIME command in the server, and verify that the big and  
little hands are where they should be, and on the right calendar  
spot.  :-)

Less ridiculous: do Query POlicyset' and look in the Default Mgmt  
Class Name column to see what's there, to tie to your previous Query  
Backup output, which showed the files bound to the Default management  
class - whatever that really happens to be.


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