One of the windows servers we back up via TSM has been showing the errors below in the log for the past couple of days.
04/06/2006 19:50:04 ANS1228E Sending of object '\\qmaster\c$\adsm.sys\EVENTLOG' failed 04/06/2006 19:50:04 ANS1228E Sending of object '\\qmaster\c$\adsm.sys\WMI' failed 04/06/2006 19:50:04 ANS1228E Sending of object '\\qmaster\c$\adsm.sys\xml.state' failed These seem to be TSM related files. Any idea why it would start failing on these files all of a sudden? Paul Dudley ANL IT Operations Dept. ANL Container Line [EMAIL PROTECTED] ANL DISCLAIMER This e-mail and any file attached is confidential, and intended solely to the named addressees. Any unauthorised dissemination or use is strictly prohibited. If you received this e-mail in error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail from your system. Please do not copy, use or make reference to it for any purpose, or disclose its contents to any person.