>This can really accellerate experiments.

Fortunely, I am able to experiment since the 3584 is new
and not in production.  So I've been able to set up
a test environment to experiment with.

After figuring out now to do this we get to do it
on our production tsm servers with 3494 libraries.  I'm
taking advantage of new/expanded hardware to test this
process before it goes into production.  At the end, I'll
have a shared 3494 (existing lib) and a shared
3584 (new, being used for this testing) between two
library clients and a library manager.

Thanks for the help . . . will let you know how it goes.


             "Allen S. Rout"
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
             Sent by: "ADSM:                                            To
             Dist Stor                 ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU
             Manager"                                                   cc
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
             .EDU>                                                 Subject
                                       Re: Migrating to a Library Manager

             04/03/2006 08:10

             Please respond to
             "ADSM: Dist Stor
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

>> On Mon, 3 Apr 2006 15:32:22 -0500, Bill Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> 1) check the tapes out of tsm2t
> 2) delete the library (and drives and paths) from tsm2t
> 3) define the library (and drives and paths) in tsmlm2, and as a shared
> library in tsm2t
> 4) check the tapes in to tsmlm2.

What he said; I've done this.

Additional knob-polishing, lily-gilding, etc:

Remember that you don't have to REMOVE the volumes on checkout, and
that you don't have to check the label when you check them in.  This
can really accellerate experiments.

Remember also that it's easy to get back to the state of "everything
checked out, and library gone", so you can get it wrong several times,
and ry again with very little cost.

While this is an intimidating process since it's so uncommon, it's not
really either complex or dangerous.

- Allen S. Rout

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