If you have a space floor and an ideal location to safely store scratch
tapes coming back my preference would be to put them there, then  check in
scratch tapes as needed.

This does not happen frequently but  sometimes when a tape drive goes bad,
it would mount the tape and mark it unavailable every scratch tapes until
runs out.
Let's say there is a fire before you could offsite drm for that day.
Ejecting or getting  out 600 less  tapes sound good to me.

Sung Y. Lee

"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 03/17/2006
11:03:35 AM:

> As a result of expiration, reclamation and removal of a large storage
> We are getting back approximately 100 scratch tapes/week
> We run an SL8500 library with 1600 cells of which 600 are free.
> Is there any difference whether I check these scratch tapes in as they
> arrive or place them in an inventory outside the silo.
> Right now we have 250 scratch tapes in the silo and use approximately
> 15/night.
> 60 more are coming in today.
> I can see that placing them in an inventory will require an extra step
> to keep the tapes in some sort of order.
> But, is there any disadvantages to have so many scratch tapes available
> in the silo?
> AdThanksvance!
> Dave Zarnoch
> Nationwide Provident

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