Hi Richard,
We found the problem.
We upgrade the BA client to then did the restore work fine accept the 
customer hasn't backup all data so we found some other issues. :(


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] För Richard Sims
Skickat: den 16 mars 2006 13:50
Ämne: Re: Exception_access_violation

On Mar 16, 2006, at 7:31 AM, Christian Svensson wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I got funny problem.
> I using ITSM BA Client version ...
> But if I try to restore C:\Lotus then does my DSM.EXE just quit
> without any comments.
> But if I try to restore any files under C:\WinNT\ then does my
> DSM.EXE crash and send out a dump. The only thing I can get out is
> Exception_access_violation but I can't find anything in the email
> archive about this issue that is relevant for me.
> So please does anyone got any ideas why this is happend?

The fourth numerical position in your version number ("12", in this
case) suggests that you are using a provisional patch level of the
software rather than a fully tested maintenance level. Unless you are
using a patch level per TSM Support instructions, I would suggest
going to a proper maintenance level instead.

Beyond that, all the usual things: Check permissions for actually
being able to perform the operation, look for error log indications
of issues, check your Windows Event Log, etc.

   Richard Sims

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