Hi Eric, I do not understand the problem.
I made a quick attempt to reproduce the problem you are seeing by creating a domain with no backup managment class, but it has an archive management class, which is the default management class. When I attempt to do an archive from the GUI, I do not see these files as excluded. I am using 5.3.x server and client. What am I missing? Thanks, Andy Andy Raibeck IBM Software Group Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM Tivoli Storage Manager support web page: http://www-306.ibm.com/software/sysmgmt/products/support/IBMTivoliStorageManager.html The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked. The command line is your friend. "Good enough" is the enemy of excellence. "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 2006-03-16 07:48:51: > Hi *SM-ers! > We have just implemented an archiving server. We only want archives on > this TSM server, so we created policies without a backup copy group. > This however causes the BA GUI to see all files as excluded. > I checked the TSM website and found Technote 1209666 > (http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=663&context=SSGSG7&q1=archi > ve+copygroup&uid=swg21209666&loc=en_US&cs=utf-8&lang=en) which verifies > this behavior. So, although we don't want the user to be able to backup > to this server, we have to create a backup copy group, which allows him > to make backups! > Is this really "works as designed"? This sounds more like bug to me, > right? > Kindest regards, > Eric van Loon > KLM Royal Dutch Airlines > > > ********************************************************************** > For information, services and offers, please visit our web site: > http://www.klm.com. This e-mail and any attachment may contain > confidential and privileged material intended for the addressee > only. If you are not the addressee, you are notified that no part of > the e-mail or any attachment may be disclosed, copied or > distributed, and that any other action related to this e-mail or > attachment is strictly prohibited, and may be unlawful. If you have > received this e-mail by error, please notify the sender immediately > by return e-mail, and delete this message. Koninklijke Luchtvaart > Maatschappij NV (KLM), its subsidiaries and/or its employees shall > not be liable for the incorrect or incomplete transmission of this > e-mail or any attachments, nor responsible for any delay in receipt. > **********************************************************************