I am trying to use the QuickFacts/Wiki information for setting up a backup schedule that will work for laptops. (See http://www.tsmwiki.com/tsmwiki/BackupLaptopComputers? ). It says to set up a schedule with a 24 hour start window, then have the client use polling and assumes the default 20 minute retryperiod.
Will this still work within the client RETRYPERIOD if RANDOMIZE is set on the server? My question arises from this line of thought: We have RANDOMIZE set to 30. If the server assigns a laptop a start time of 8:00am, and the client connects at 6:00am and disconnects at 7:00am, the schedule will be missed, right? However, if the client connects anytime after it assigned random start time, the backup should run when TSM connects, which with be within RETRYPERIOD of the network connection becoming active. Am I understanding this right? Nancy Reeves Technical Support, Wichita State University [EMAIL PROTECTED] 316-978-3860