Our initial attempts at trying on the Intel Macs were good,
but we then ran into some problems.  As there is no support from IBM,
I am nervous about relying on it.

At 08:38 PM 3/14/2006, you wrote:
On Mar 14, 2006, at 4:44 PM, Paul Zarnowski wrote:

Intel Macs are starting to show up on our campus and we are being
asked how to back them up.  What are other TSM sites doing to backup
these new beasties?  TSM doesn't support Intel-based Macs yet.

Hi, Paul - Good question...

I recently got one of the new iMac's as a media storage and feeder
for my family room (connecting it to my A/V receiver via optical
audio and S-video). Wonderful machine.

Reading your posting, and Aaron's response about depending upon
Rosetta, I decided to try installing a TSM client (5.2.4). An
awkwardness is that the download file is in .hqx format: PowerPC Macs
are shipped with Stuffit Expander to handle that stuff, but the new
Macs are Intel, so it appears that Apple feels it inappropriate to
ship a non-PowerPC binary. I got SE off the net and installed it, and
it worked fine to generate the TSM installer, which I then ran to
install the TSM client. And the client itself ran fine, as I tried
some basic Archive and Backup operations. Apple's Rosetta is
excellent, as was promised.

I would suggest having one of your "eager adopters" go ahead and give
an existing TSM client level a full workout, with a new nodename.
Have them report back on general functionality and speed.

   Richard Sims  long time Mac guy (why settle for mediocrity?)

Paul Zarnowski                            Ph: 607-255-4757
Manager, Storage Systems                  Fx: 607-255-8521
719 Rhodes Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-3801    Em: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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