Are you running Exchange on MS Clusters? Was the database off-line when the backup was run?
"Loon, E.J. van - SPLXM" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] To M.COM> Sent by: "ADSM: cc Dist Stor Manager" Subject <[EMAIL PROTECTED] [ADSM-L] TDP for Exchange: .edu> 0xc7fe1f42 03/14/2006 10:13 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] .edu> Hi *SM-ers! A restore of a Exchange 2003 server to a Recovery Storage Group on a recovery server fails with the following message is the tdpexc.log: 03/14/2006 15:25:15 Restore of KL1010WF-SG1 failed. 03/14/2006 15:25:15 ACN5798E MS Exchange API HRESERESTORECOMPLETE() failed with HRESULT: 0xc7fe1f42 - Database not found. 03/14/2006 15:25:15 Total backups inspected: 4 03/14/2006 15:25:15 Total backups requested for restore: 4 03/14/2006 15:25:15 Total backups restored: 3 03/14/2006 15:25:15 Throughput rate: 10,664.33 Kb/Sec 03/14/2006 15:25:15 Total bytes transferred: 3,640,110,250 03/14/2006 15:25:15 Elapsed processing time: 333.34 Secs 03/14/2006 15:25:15 ACN0151E Errors occurred while processing the request. What could be the cause of this error? Thank you very much for any reply in advance! Kindest regards, Eric van Loon KLM Royal Dutch Airlines ********************************************************************** For information, services and offers, please visit our web site: This e-mail and any attachment may contain confidential and privileged material intended for the addressee only. If you are not the addressee, you are notified that no part of the e-mail or any attachment may be disclosed, copied or distributed, and that any other action related to this e-mail or attachment is strictly prohibited, and may be unlawful. If you have received this e-mail by error, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail, and delete this message. Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij NV (KLM), its subsidiaries and/or its employees shall not be liable for the incorrect or incomplete transmission of this e-mail or any attachments, nor responsible for any delay in receipt. **********************************************************************