Andrew Raibeck schrieb:
Nevertheless, the section in the client manual regarding dsmcad is not
well described, IMO.

What is wrong or missing? What would you like to see?

I think, the section "Configuring Tivoli Storage Manager client/server
communication across a firewall" should be enhanced to describe the
consequences of using dsmcad. I was confused by the statement "Method 2:
For the client scheduler in prompted mode, it is unnecessary to open any
ports on the firewall." I was using prompted mode for years with the
"dsmc sched" running on the client nodes. It doesn't come to my mind
that I now have to use the WEBPORTS option, because I thought this was
related to the web client, that I don't want to use.
The "ADSM Quick Facts" comes to the point: "The WEBports option controls
the scheduler side's port number (oddly enough)."
I'm missing a statement like: "If you use dsmcad to start the client
scheduler, you have to define the webports option on the client".


Dirk Kastens
Universitaet Osnabrueck, Rechenzentrum (Computer Center)
Albrechtstr. 28, 49069 Osnabrueck, Germany
Tel.: +49-541-969-2347, FAX: -2470

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