Do you have random-access pools, tapes, cartridges, nothing?
Do you have a copypool?
Define a copypool on disk, backup the data from diskpool1, be shure to have all 
data in the copypool then delete the volumes in the diskpool1, restore the 
stgpool to the newpool sgn_pc

Ungefähr so:
Restore stgpool diskpool1 copy=name_copypool new=sgn_pc


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von 
Christiane Kühn
Gesendet: Freitag, 10. März 2006 11:53
Betreff: Re: [ADSM-L] AW: [ADSM-L] AW: [ADSM-L] Move Node Data from one Policy 
to another Policy

Some more Information to my situation:

The client-files are now in a disk-storage pool and not in a 


Schaub Joachim Paul ABRAXAS INFORMATIK AG schrieb:

>Oh i'm sorry,
>Puh, you have to go over sequential medias.
>Or export, import the nodedata?
>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>Von: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag 
>von Christiane Kühn
>Gesendet: Freitag, 10. März 2006 11:31
>Betreff: Re: [ADSM-L] AW: [ADSM-L] Move Node Data from one Policy to 
>another Policy
>Thank you for your answer,
>but there is a small rub. In die Storage-pool (1,4 Tera-Bytes) I have 25 
>client-files and i want to move the data from 3 client to an other new policy 
>with a new storage-pool.
>Schaub Joachim Paul ABRAXAS INFORMATIK AG schrieb:
>>In your case, define the sgn_pc as next storage pool by upading the diskpool1 
>>Upd stg diskpool1 next=sgn_pc
>>Then set the migration threshold low:
>>Upd stg diskpool1 hi=0 lo=0
>>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>Von: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag 
>>von Christiane Kühn
>>Gesendet: Freitag, 10. März 2006 10:24
>>Betreff: [ADSM-L] Move Node Data from one Policy to another Policy
>>I use a Windows TSM-Server 3.2.2.
>>I have some policies and some  storage-pools.
>>My storage-pool are defined as  disk.
>>My aim is, to move one client with all the backups-data from one policy to 
>>another policy.
>>move nodedata sgn_selene fromstgpool=diskpool1 tostgpool=sgn_pc I get  
>>the message:  move Nodedata: storage pool <xxx> is not a sequential 
>>Is there any other way to come to my aim?. I know the way, to allocate the 
>>client in a new policy and to delete the old backup-files of the client.
>>Institut für Informatik
>>Christiane Kühn               Tel.: 0228/73-4200
>>Römerstraße 164               Fax.: 0228/7360304
>>53117 Bonn             Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Institut für Informatik
>Christiane Kühn               Tel.: 0228/73-4200
>Römerstraße 164               Fax.: 0228/7360304
>53117 Bonn             Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Institut für Informatik
Christiane Kühn               Tel.: 0228/73-4200
Römerstraße 164               Fax.: 0228/7360304
53117 Bonn             Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  • AW: [ADSM-L] AW: [ADSM-L] AW: [A... Schaub Joachim Paul ABRAXAS INFORMATIK AG

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