There is one other possibility...

We are working with IBM on a very similar sounding problem impacting
the 5.3.2.x client for Macintosh, which, for the first time, uses a
dsmcad process to invoke schedule backups.  Hence, the possible link to Linux

Here, the problem is that the generated password file  is
"disappearing"; IBM's belief is that that the startup script for the
dsmcad is running before the network connection is available.  The
workaround is to put a "sleep 10" at the start of the script...and if
that doesn't work, to try a "sleep 20" then a "sleep 30" etc

I'm not very Linux-proficient, so I'm not sure where the equivalent
files are on Linux, or how to implement a similar workaround, but I
thought it worth mentioning.

At 05:37 AM 3/8/2006, Richard van Denzel wrote:
This can still be related to the not supported version.

If the dsmc sched is working for you maybe this is the way to go.
Otherwise downgrading the TSM client could be an option.

Met vriendelijke groet, With kind regards,
Richard van Denzel.

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Dirk Kastens
Sent: woensdag 8 maart 2006 11:33
Subject: Re: linux dsmcad problem

Richard van Denzel schrieb:
> A little browsing on tells that 5.2.4.x is the
> last supported client version for RH8. Maybe there's your problem.

Maybe. But I wonder why the first scheduled backup is running. And when
I don't use dsmcad but "dsmc sched" instead, everything is fine.


Dirk Kastens
Universitaet Osnabrueck, Rechenzentrum (Computer Center) Albrechtstr.
28, 49069 Osnabrueck, Germany
Tel.: +49-541-969-2347, FAX: -2470

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