Got a question for you all.

Just move a tdp for oracle node to a different domain policy. this domain
policy does not have management class of the same name that the node was
using for the backup from its old domain policy.  It is my understanding
that once the node gets moved to a new domain, it would look for
management class of the same name that it has bind its backups to and use
that management class. If that management class does not exists, it would
use the default management class.  Is this true?  Also we are having
issues with deleting older DB from RMAN. what can cause these issues? Also
the default management class of the new policy domain has different
retention time. Would it help if I created the same management class with
same backup copy group as the old one in the new policy domain?

Here is the env.
TSM on AIX 5.2 ML5
TDP for Oracle 5.2 on AIX 5.2 ML5

config of the node

                      Platform: TDP Oracle AIX
               Client OS Level: 5.2
                Client Version: Version 5, Release 2, Level 2.5
            Policy Domain Name: FI_FIRST_DOM
         Last Access Date/Time: 01/30/06 12:15:13
        Days Since Last Access: <1
        Password Set Date/Time: 03/23/04 13:45:27
       Days Since Password Set: 678
         Invalid Sign-on Count: 0
                       Locked?: No
                   Compression: Client
       Archive Delete Allowed?: Yes
        Backup Delete Allowed?: Yes
        Registration Date/Time: 03/22/04 11:56:24
     Registering Administrator:
Last Communication Method Used: Tcp/Ip
   Bytes Received Last Session: 4.50 M
       Bytes Sent Last Session: 17,599
      Duration of Last Session: 0.67
   Pct. Idle Wait Last Session: 18.32
  Pct. Comm. Wait Last Session: 60.21
  Pct. Media Wait Last Session: 0.00
                     Node Type: Client
    Password Expiration Period: 9,999 Day(s)
             Keep Mount Point?: No
  Maximum Mount Points Allowed: 2
        Auto Filespace Rename : No
             Validate Protocol: No
                   TCP/IP Name:
                TCP/IP Address:
            Globally Unique ID:
         Transaction Group Max: 0
               Data Write Path: ANY
                Data Read Path: ANY
            Session Initiation: ClientOrServer
            High-level Address:
             Low-level Address:

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