>> On Fri, 6 Jan 2006 22:38:04 -0600, Andy Huebner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> I do not understand the hard to manage argument, I use scripts to do
> all of that sort of work.  It is nice to be able to fine tune the
> disk pool sizes.

I have found that keeping one volume per RAID (lun, perhaps, in your
environment?) per stgpool helps me avoid hotspots and spread work
evenly.  When I finetune it's by changing volume sizes.  But I'm on
SSA, your disk plant might hide such issues from you.

> We have started resizing the pool volumes to reduce the threads TSM
> uses, but it will take more than a week to complete.  It will take 2
> days to do enough resizing to determine if this is the problem which
> is why I asked the question.

Well, you seem to be way out on the tail of the distribution, so your
experiment will inform the rest of us. :)

- Allen S. Rout

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