>> On Thu, 5 Jan 2006 10:29:11 -0500, "Kauffman, Tom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> The 'safe' building is our hangar at the local airport -- 13 miles away
> direct line. We've looked at the various fiber extenders, iSCSI, and all
> the other options -- and can't make a business case for the cost. The
> best option we've come up with was an Intel-based system, running linux,
> with a local raid array and DAT tape -- but the monthly charge for the
> circuit was a project killer.


Our physical-carry offsites are (will-be 'were') about that far away.
But it sounds as though your courier is 'you', which invalidates the
courier pickup cost item, and erodes the inefficient tape use item.
Dang. :)

I know: buy dark fiber from Eklhart to Lodz and Reynosa, then put 10Gb
routers at either end of them, and use your new reliable backup mojo
to convince management to go into international VOIP!

- Allen S. Rout
- Keeping things practical

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