"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 01/03/2006
08:56:25 AM:

> Hi Everybody,
> I'm running TSM 5.1.6 and I have a sequential storage pool for
> my Exchange backup disk pool ( EXC_TAPE ). This morning, while
> checking the activity logs, I saw about 30 scratch tapes being
> brought into the EXC_TAPE pool. What would trigger these tapes
> to be brought into the pool  ? No reclamation was going on at
> this time and I have no administrative jobs/scripts which would do this.
> Rich

I think you need to closely examine the activity log during that period.
How did you notice 30 scratch tapes being brought into the pool?  Are you
having any tape drive hardware problems or errors?  Could someone else have
manually defined those tapes into the pool?

John Monahan
Senior Consultant Enterprise Solutions
Computech Resources, Inc.
Office: 952-833-0930 ext 109
Cell: 952-221-6938

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