I previously had an 88G db @ 19% utilization spread over 3 dbvols. 2 dbvols on D: (hardware mirrored drive), and one on E: & F: (tsm mirroring). These drives were all on the same scsi controller (and same channel on that controller).
I reorganized this so that I now have 4 db vols, with each one on a separate disk. Tthe D: drive is still hardware mirrored, the other 3 dbvols are tsm mirrored. During this reorg I sized them all the same (22GB), and also moved one of the backplanes (3 drives) to a separate scsi controller. The goal of all this was to spread the db i/o out over more spindles, and more scsi controllers. Unfortunately, what seems to have happened is that tsm put pretty much all the db info into one dbvol, and is leaving the others mostly empty. The db is still 88gb, and still 19% utilized. End result was that I basically got no speed benefit out of all the reorganizing. Is there some way to force tsm to evenly distribute the info, or does that involve the mythical unload/reload that I occasionally hear about? Troy Frank Network Services University of Wisconsin Medical Foundation 608.829.5384 Confidentiality Notice follows: The information in this message (and the documents attached to it, if any) is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this message by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken, or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this message in error, please delete all electronic copies of this message (and the documents attached to it, if any), destroy any hard copies you may have created and notify me immediately by replying to this email. Thank you.