"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 11/29/2005
10:04:46 AM:
> You can build your own Bootable CD on Windows.
> You are a Enterprise company so you should have access to Windows
> PE. But for other users you can search for Bart PE.

When I talk about creating bootable restore media, I'm talking about media
that contains an easily accessible image of the client's system disk as it
exists (like mksysb for AIX), complete with installed hardware drivers and
application code. (mksysb restores of root volume groups are *much* faster
and more dependable than anything that can be achieved with a C: drive or
sys: volume rebuild with any backup/recovery software.) Further, when you
use mksysb restores to dissimilar hardware, placing AIX CD volume #1 in
the optical drive will take care of most drivers that might be missing in
the tape.

The bootable Windows CD, even when it is built with nifty utilities like
nLite, is a vanilla install image with neither drivers nor applications.
Apps like Ghost are an option, but my opinion is that a real server
operating system has that sort of thing built into it, and will write to
magnetic media (so I can create bootable images as large as they need to
be). (I guess that leaves out NetWare, which would be the stable, usable
Intel-based server OS of *my* choice.)

> That's why IBM recommends 3rd part software's for Intel platforms.

Indeed, but that's because TSM was not built to do BMRs; the clever folk
in the TSM world (including many ADSM-Lers) figured out how to make it

Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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