How can I check if my "Open files Support" was correctly install , which
service did this feature load ...... I tried another approch and try to backup
my ntuser.dat and this time get another error as :
08:34:58 ANS4987E Error processing '\\cc37206-2345\c$\Documents and
Settings\Sas\NTUSER.DAT': the object is in use by another process
My guess is that my "open files support" is not install correctly !!!!
Regards Robert
Hi to all
I installed "Open File Support" on my WindowsXP client , reboot the
machine but still when trying to backup my pst file (Outlook file) I got this
error message "access denied"
Did I need something in my dsm.opt , I am logon in the machine as an
administrator . After installing the "Open File Support" wizard which service
did it install ????
By the way I check this feature when I installed the client ...
My server is Windows 2003 tsm version
Regards Robert Ouzen
Haifa University