2 SCENARIOS 1) you want to back up certain data on a node with a retention of 10 versions/ 30 days on the same node - you want to back up a couple of datasebases with 2 version/ 14 day retention specs
I'm assuming you: set up different Management Classes below a Policy Set and then, in your dsm.opt file, you append the Managment Class name to the end of the include statements specifying which Management Class will manage the retention/versions for those particular files? i.e. include d:\...\* -Mgmtclass_name1 include e:\...\* -Mgmtclass_name2 (?) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2) You want to back up a node 5 days a week, backing up a 'd:' drive directory spec. On the same node, on the weekends, you want to just back up an 'e:' drive directory spec. I could see two schedules - one that runs Monday through Friday, and one that runs Saturday and Sunday. However, if it invokes the same dsm.opt I do no know how to get it to differentiate between what data should be backed up based upon which schedule it is running in. Can you have different dsm option files invoked instead of dsm.opt (say, dsm.weekday and dsm.weekend)? Perhaps a presched that renames the dsm.opt if it is a weekend, invokes a different dsm.opt, and then a post sched that switches it back? Can you have more than 1 nodename for the same server?