
I second EVERYTHING that was said about preferring AIX!
That being said, I have multiple Windows servers where the load isn't
high enough to justify AIX.

The largest has about 150 TSM clients, mostly file servers; we back up
on average, 80-100GB nightly.
Using raw disks, mirrored, for a 33GB TSM data base.
Pentium III Xeon 900Mhz, 4-way, Win2K3 SP1. 
Works just fine, because we use the standard setup:

Clients back up to 100GB disk pool, stuff migrates out to the tape pool
as needed, tapes are copied around 4 in the morning.
Everything is generally done in about 6 hours, and we don't have any
real tight timelines to worry about.

What we DON'T have:
No LARGE data bases backing up where we need to worry about pushing
100's of GB from one host.
It's all relatively small stuff, and I/O speed isn't a big priority.

We are replacing the host later this year because of age; the next
machine will be faster but a 2-way.  Haven't seen any benefit to the
4-way; backups aren't very CPU-consuming. 

For 200 GB per day, a recent-model Windows host will handle the CPU load
just fine.
For you, the issue will be I/O, not CPU.

Now where I REALLY dislike Windows: 
I've talked with people from Tivoli and from Microsoft and from SHARE;
there is NO instrumentation in Windows that will let you monitor what is
going on over a non-disk I/O bus.  You hook tape to a Windows host, and
it's a mystery what happens.   When I'm doing tape-to-tape operations, I
can't tell WHERE the bottleneck is.  I don't have a really good notion
of how much data you can push through a Windows box, given you have
multiple HBA's/SCSI connections, but there is only 1 or 2 internal
buses.  I can't tell how much memory is being used for the TAPE I/O
buffers, or if that is an issue.  

As such I think it's harder to configure a Windows box good throughput
with multiple non-disk I/O devices.

If you are going to have problems, it will be with trying to connect 12
SCSI drives with only 4 SCSI cards, and that interesting item
"Semi-annual exports in the 2-5 TB range".  If you have time constraints
in producing that EXPORT, than I/O speed is more important to you than
it is in my environment.  

Wanda Prather
"I/O, I/O, It's all about I/O"  -(me)


-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Tab Trepagnier
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 12:14 PM
Subject: Platform change to Windows?

We are considering migrating our TSM systems from AIX to Windows 2003.

I know that the experience of the forum participants is that AIX
superior I/O performance, but where is that threshold?

These are our system details.  I'd like for anyone with experience with
system of similar size to share their experiences regarding Unix vs.

We are currently running TSM 5.1.10 on a 2-way 6H1 with 4 GB RAM.
We are considering running TSM 5.3.2 on a 2-way or 4-way 3.0 GHz Xeon
4 GB RAM.  All non-OS I/O would be via GigE network and redundant 2 Gbs

TSM system details:

DB:     32 GB @ 83% utilization
Log:    5 GB, roll-forward mode
Primary data:   16 TB with one copypool (another 16 TB to manage)
Nodes:    175 backing up during a 10-hour window
Average daily incoming data:   ~ 200 GB; may be reduced via deployment
TDP Oracle
Disk:   1 TB DAS, 3 TB SAN
Tape:   LTO-1, DLT8000, 3570XL, four SCSI drives each; libraries will be
Daily copypool updates sent to vault
Semi-annual exports in the 2-5 TB range

Does that sound like a system that could reasonably be hosted on a
Windows system?  Is a 2-way adequate, or should we get a 4-way?

Thanks in advance.

Tab Trepagnier
TSM Administrator
Laitram, L.L.C.

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