The Server is


 ---- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :
> Dear All,
> I m using TSM server 5.2.2 on Windows 2003 using Library LTO 3582.
> I take incremental backups daily for all the servers including another 
> windows 2000 server.
> One of my servers which is IBM 346 running latest secutiy and OS patches 
> hangs and hangs forever untill power button is pressed. the system always 
> hangs and the process of backup restarts and hangs again and again.
> there is no specific point or file where it hangs. also the TSM server logs 
> show that the session was idle and was terminated. Mount retention expires 
> and tape is safely put back into its slot.
> I am using open file backup support with include.fs.
> I m stuck ! Please help.
> Sandra
>  _____________________________________________________
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