Do a "q libv" on this volume and verify it's in the correct slot. Or just
run an "audit libr <libr> checkl=barcode" and see what happens.

The tape may not be in the correct slot or heaven forbid, on the floor of
the library.

Gerald Michalak
pager 800-759-8352 # 1076423
AIX - Certified Support Technician

"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 10/24/2005
05:11:42 PM:

> Has anyone ever had a problem where a tape has been marked unavailable,
> will accept an update to readw or reado, but when attempting to mount
> generates errors and goes back to unav? I am doing some cleaning up with
> some of the tapes in the library (reado/unav tapes), and this one is a
> booger. Please help!
> Attempted 'audit vol a00328 fix=y'
> 10/24/05   16:36:37  ANR2312I Audit Volume (Repair) process started for
> volume A00328 (process ID 1806). (SESSION: 117836, PROCESS: 1806)
> 10/24/05   16:36:57  ANR8355E I/O error reading label for volume A00328
> in drive 3580_5 (/dev/rmt3). (SESSION: 117836, PROCESS: 1806)
> 10/24/05   16:37:16  ANR8381E LTO volume A00328 could not be mounted in
> drive 3580_5 (/dev/rmt3). (SESSION: 117836, PROCESS: 1806)
> 10/24/05   16:37:16  ANR1402W Mount request denied for volume A00328 -
> volume unavailable. (SESSION: 117836, PROCESS: 1806)
> 10/24/05   16:37:16  ANR1410W Access mode for volume A00328 now set to
> "unavailable". (SESSION: 117836, PROCESS: 1806)
> 10/24/05   16:37:16  ANR2321W Audit volume process terminated for volume
> A00328 - storage media inaccessible. (SESSION: 117836, PROCESS: 1806)
> 10/24/05   16:37:16  ANR0985I Process 1806 for AUDIT VOLUME (REPAIR)
> running in the BACKGROUND completed with completion state FAILURE at
> 16:37:16. (SESSION: 117836, PROCESS: 1806)
> Other notes, 3584 library, server AIX 5.1, TSM
> Also attempted move data to no avail
> God bless you!!!
> Chip Bell
> Network Engineer I
> IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Professional (ITSM 5.2)
> Baptist Health Systems
> Birmingham, AL
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