You can also check drive firmware versions on the control panel.

David B. Longo
System Administrator
Health First, Inc.
3300 Fiske Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
PH      321.434.5536
Pager  321.634.8230
Fax:    321.434.5509

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/20/05 5:28 PM >>>
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but there is one way to check whether
your firmware is up-to-date or not. If you have not assigned your
library IP address/DNS entry, do so. You can then access your 3584 via a
web URL line. In our case, I type 3584_1 (DNS name) on the URL line, hit
enter, and like magic I have a Java applet letting me see many things
about my library. If I have left out a step, please fill it in, because
this is a good way to see much info about your library, including
drive/library firmware levels. It even provides a firmware update

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Chet Osborn
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 4:18 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] TSM Performance with 3584 LTO-2 Drives

Thanks for the replies, but no luck yet.

The data being migrated all belonged to a single node, and only two
tape mounts were involved.

The drive firmware is up to date. I'll be damned if I can figure out
how to determine what the 3584 library firmware level is or how to
download it. The device driver (Atape) software is up to data as of a
month o\r so ago.

I've double-checked the zoning, and everything seems  as it should be
(server and disk in one zone and server and tape drives in another

At 02:23 PM 10/20/2005, you wrote:
>Another factor to consider: does the tape pool in question have
>collocation turned on?  If so, then depending on the number of tapes in
>the pool, the type of collocation in effect and the number of client
>or filespaces to be migrated, there could be a very large number of
>mounts occurring.  With only two drives, and depending on the mount
>retention period specified on the device class, I could believe that an
>awful lot of that 10.5 hours might've been spent fiddling around with
>mounts, idle drives, etc., and not actually writing data.
>Bill Kelly
>Auburn University OIT
> > It also wouldn't hurt to verify that your library and drive code
> > (firmware) are up-to-date.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of
> > Jim Skinner
> > Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:36 AM
> > Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] TSM Performance with 3584 LTO-2 Drives
> >
> > I believe the first thing to check is the zoning of the fiber
> > network. TSM server and disk in one zone and in a different zone put
> > server and tape.  We had a similar problem.
> > >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/20/05 11:22 AM >>>
> > Hi,
> >
> > We're recently connected a 3584 with one L52 frame containing 2
> > fiber attached drives to our AIX server. We'll be using FAStT SATA
> > disk as a primary storage pool and migrating from disk to tape.  Can
> > anyone with a  similar setup provide any statistics on how this
> > in the real world, i.e. MB/sec or GB/hour from disk to tape.
> >
> > A test migration of 259 GB (152422 files) took 10.5 hours to
> > complete. This seems like abysmally slow performance, or is it
> > reasonable with a large numbers of small files?
> >
> > TSM version: 5.3.1
> >
> > MoveBatchSize     500
> > MoveSizeThresh    512
> >
> > AIX version: 5.1
> >
> > Chet Osborn
> > Systems Programmer
> > Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
> >
> > Jim Skinner
> > The University of Kansas Hospital
> > Westwood Campus
> > Information Technology Systems
> > 2330 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Suite 201/068
> > Westwood KS 66205-2005
> > 913-588-4787
> >
> >
> > Confidentiality Notice:
> > The information contained in this email message is privileged and
> confidential information and intended only for the use of the
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> intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
> distribution, or copying of this information is strictly
> prohibited.  If you received this information in error, please
> notify the sender and delete this information from your computer
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> >

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