This is pretty crude coding in a .bat file but it works for us: @echo off echo This will restore all the operating system components on the existing echo %systemdrive% from the last successful TSM backup of this server. echo It restores the systemdrive files first then SystemObject or SystemState and echo SystemServices (Win2000 and Win2003 respectively). echo If that is not your desire then please press cntrl+C to terminate echo this command.
rem stop the TSM services so that it doesn't try to backup during the restore net stop "TSM Client Acceptor" net stop "TSM Scheduler" if %1.==override. goto skip rem goto run :prompt cls set repsonse=n set /P response=have you configured the hardware to match the failed system (y/n)? if not %response%==y goto explain cls set repsonse=n set /P response=have you installed the same OS version as the failed system (y/n)? if not %response%==y goto explain cls set repsonse=n set /P response=have you ensured that the HAL is correct (single or multi-processor version) (y/n)? if not %response%==y goto explain cls set repsonse=n set /P response=is the TSM client code the same version as the failed system (y/n)? if not %response%==y goto explain if not exist %systemdrive%\windows goto skip cls echo ASR restore of win2003 server is more reliable than rebuild\restores set repsonse=n set /P response=have you ruled out doing an ASR restore (y/n)? if not %response%==y goto explain :skip cls echo * * * * * * * * C A U T I O N ! ! ! ! * * * * * * * * echo . echo All the files on %systemdrive%, the registry, and echo systemObject or systemState will be restored now. echo . pause cls echo you will see messages saying that changes won't take affect echo until after you reboot. Just ignore these until you see the following: echo . echo "All components have been restored. Press ENTER. Then please REBOOT." echo . echo When you see the message like this again ...then you should reboot. pause :run %systemdrive% cd "\Program Files\Tivoli\tsm\baclient" copy dsm.opt %systemdrive%\dsm.sav /y attrib %systemdrive%\boot.ini -h -s -r copy %systemdrive%\boot.ini %systemdrive%\boot.ini.sav /y if exist %systemdrive%\windows goto win2003 :win2000 dsmc restore "{SYSTEM OBJECT}\winnt\system32\catroot\*" %systemroot%\system32\ -subdir=yes -replace=all echo . echo do not reboot now ...there is more to restore if not %1.==override. pause dsmc restore %systemdrive%\* -subdir=yes -replace=all echo . echo do not reboot now ...there is more to restore if not %1.==override. pause copy %systemdrive%\dsm.sav dsm.opt /y dsmc restore systemobject attrib %systemdrive%\boot.ini -r -s -h copy %systemdrive%\boot.ini %systemdrive%\boot.ini.Restored /y copy %systemdrive%\boot.ini.sav %systemdrive%\boot.ini /y attrib %systemdrive%\boot.ini +r +s +h echo . echo All components have been restored. echo . echo After the reboot you will want to take any memory parameters in the echo %systemdrive%\boot.ini.Restored file and add them to the boot.ini echo . echo Modifying the boot.ini file before rebooting is not required nor echo is it recommended. echo . echo Press ENTER. Then please REBOOT. pause goto exit :win2003 dsmc restore group "{SYSTEM STATE}\SYSSTATE" %systemdrive%\systemp\ -showmembers -preservepath=complete -replace=all echo . echo do not reboot now ...there is more to restore if not %1.==override. pause xcopy /h /s /y %systemdrive%\systemp\SYSFILES\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot\* %systemroot%\CatRoot\ if not %1.==override. pause rmdir /s /q %systemdrive%\systemp if not %1.==override. pause dsmc restore %systemdrive%\* -subdir=yes -replace=all echo . echo do not reboot now ...there is more to restore rem the next line is to put back the dsm.opt file that was there prior to the restore copy %systemdrive%\dsm.sav dsm.opt /y if not %1.==override. pause dsmc restore systemstate echo . echo do not reboot now ...there is more to restore if not %1.==override. pause dsmc restore systemservices attrib %systemdrive%\boot.ini -r -s -h copy %systemdrive%\boot.ini %systemdrive%\boot.ini.Restored copy %systemdrive%\boot.ini.sav %systemdrive%\boot.ini attrib %systemdrive%\boot.ini +r +s +h echo . echo All components have been restored. echo . echo After the reboot you will want to take any memory parameters in the echo %systemdrive%\boot.ini.Restored file and add them to the boot.ini echo . echo Modifying the boot.ini file before rebooting is not required nor echo is it recommended. echo . echo Press ENTER. Then please REBOOT. pause goto exit :explain call tsmrestore\readme.txt :exit exit Andrew Raibeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED] OM> To Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor cc Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject .edu> Re: [ADSM-L] Errors restoring the SystemObject 10/13/2005 10:19 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] .edu> You might need to try to reboot into recovery mode, then rename the adsm.sys dir to something else, then reboot again. But then, not knowing what the current system state is, I don't know how all of that will work out. You might need to try the full system restore again, from scratch... It would still help if you would be sure to attach the dsmerror.log to your posts. It might not contain anything useful, but sometimes that is in the eye of the beholder, so my preference is to verify for myself. I would also strongly recommend you use the command line client instead of the GUI (turn of QUIET if you are using it!) so you can either redirect the output to a file or capture the output via copy & paste (set the OS command line window for a height of 9999 lines). That gives us all something to look at. Ideally I would urge you to contact IBM support for assistance, but unfortunately 5.1 went out of service at the end of September. Andy Raibeck IBM Software Group Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] IBM Tivoli Storage Manager support web page: The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked. The command line is your friend. "Good enough" is the enemy of excellence. "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 2005-10-13 06:41:56: > I can't delete the c:\adsm.sys directory as it says it's in use. But > I'll check out the docs you referenced below. > > The dsmerror.log says nothing useful. > > -----Original Message----- > From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of > Andrew Raibeck > Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2005 9:05 AM > To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU > Subject: Re: Errors restoring the SystemObject > > Hi Patricia, > > This is a tough one. Check dsmerror.log for any other messages that > coincide with the ANS1257E message. What do those say? > > You can try deleting the c:\adsm.sys directory, then retry the restore. > > Also, did you follow our recommended full system restore procedures? > There is a document at > > that discusses this. Since you are using 5.1, the procedures would > mirror those for Windows 2000 (system object, rather than system state); > though I'm not certain that W2K+3 has been tested with the 5.1 client. > > Best regards, > > Andy > > Andy Raibeck > IBM Software Group > Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew > Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > IBM Tivoli Storage Manager support web page: > > eManager.html > > > The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked. > The command line is your friend. > "Good enough" is the enemy of excellence. > > "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 2005-10-12 > 20:04:06: > > > Wondering if anyone has every run into this > > > > TSM Client is W2K3 version > > > > TSM Server is AIX version > > > > Did a full server restore of the C, D and E drives. > > Did a restore of the system object and received the following error: > > ANS1335E RSM database file failed on system object restore. > > > > Found a hit that suggested turning on the RSM service. I did that. > > > > Started the Systemobject restore again and got the following error: > > ANS1257E Error preparing object for restore, with a box that said > > "Continue Processing Report how you got this" > > > > I can't find anything to help me on the web. > > > > Has anyone got a suggestion for me to get my system object restored?? > > > > Thanks!