 I have seen a very similar situation. The Exchange DB may be in a
inconsistent state, for some reason the API is unable to start the
backup. Ntbackup will work fine. We were able to restore the ntbackup on
our test server even though we could not perform a backup using TSM.

We went through TSM support which said it is an Exchange api issue and
suggested we contact MS support. We then went through MS support and
they wanted us to run all sorts of maintenance. We decided to stop the
IS and start it again. Consistency checker ran as part of start up and
backups worked fine afterwards. It doesn't answer why it is happening. 

We saw the problem twice on two different Exchange servers, we started
the backups a little later and rescheduled the defrags. Haven't had any
problems since. 


----- Original Message -----
From: "Fernando Bozza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: TDP Exchange ----Email  OK.
Date:         Fri, 7 Oct 2005 15:20:33 -0300

> Hi for everyone!
> I'm need some help with my exchange server. I'd really apreciate if 
> anyone could help. This afternoon, for some obscure reason, during a 
> manual backup of the exchange server it is failing all backups. It's 
> really strange because, at 3 AM today, It was made a full backup. The 
> error that we are receiving is:
> 0xc7ff1004 - Error returned from an ESE function call (-613)
> I looked at IBM site to fing help, but I could not find. So, I tried 
> MS site, and found this:
> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;318429
> But, even if the database is corrupted, using the NTBackup I did 
> backup the exchange databases. And it's production, working!
> Does anyone has any idea about what could I try?
> TSM Client
> TDP Exchange 5.2.1
> TSM Server
> It works in a clustered enviroment.
> Thanks,
> Fernando de Moraes Bozza
> TSM Administrator
> +55 41 33817588
> +55 41 84016922


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