This all goes back to a general question about redirected restores of
databases. You have to allow time for the db application to format the
space where the restore will go.

We have had numerous threads here about this issue with MSSQL redirected
restores, and you have to up your timeout thresholds to allow for the
file formatting to complete.

Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
IBM Certified Advanced Deployment Professional
 Tivoli Storage Management Solutions 2005
IBM Certified Advanced Technical Expert (CATE) AIX
Berbee Information Networks
Office 262.521.5627


>-----Original Message-----
>From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
>Behalf Of Herrmann, Boris
>Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 2:33 AM
>Subject: AW: [ADSM-L] DB2 Redirect Restore
>the problem is now resolved. Audit the tape shows no error. IBM take 3
>traces from TSM-Server, StorageAgent and API-Client. They 
>found that the
>default value for the option "resource timeout" was to small 
>(60 minutes).
>Commtimeout and Idletimeout are ok. The restore works fine 
>after changing
>the "resoure timeout" option on the server and storageagent to 
>120 minutes.
>Kind regards,
>-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
>Von: Leigh Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Gesendet: Donnerstag, 22. September 2005 11:01
>Betreff: Re: [ADSM-L] DB2 Redirect Restore
>Can you audit the primary volume that is erroring ?
>If you manually offsite your copy pool tapes, can you recall the copy
>pool tapes and try a restore with them.
>If you know the primary volume name that it is failing on, then enter
>the following
>   restore volume xxxxxx preview=yes     (where xxxxxx is the volume
>name of the primary volume that is giving the error)
>The activity log will show you the list of copy pool volumes that the
>primary tape is over. If your DB2 db is fairly large then this 
>be too many tapes.
>Checkin the copy pool tapes, mark the primary tape in error unavailable
>and submit the restore again.
>Do you have a fabric for your tape SAN ?
>If so, are you aware that when making changes to your fabric 
>(Zoning), a
>message called an RSCN (registered state change notification) is
>broadcasted throughout the SAN. This causes all traffic to be
>interrupted for a few milliseconds. SAN attached disk can 
>recover easily
>from this, however tape does not and any data that is being written at
>the time is corrupted and it is a 'silent' corruption. 
>Therefore, you do
>not see it until you come to do the restore. Single large files like
>db's are particularly prone to this as even a millisecond
>outage/corruption and the whole file is useless.
>One point, if your initial db backup was going straight to 
>tape when the
>corruption occurred, then the 'backup stg  tapepool copypool' will have
>replicated the error.
>If you have a fabric tape SAN, ensure all tape operation is quiesced
>when making any fabric changes.
>Before anybody shoots me down, there are now FC HBA's available that
>offer the ADISC/PDISC function, instead of PLOGI/FLOGI upon 
>receiving an
>RSCN and if your tape devices support FCP Tape, data transfer can
>recover from an RSCN. Personally, I still stop tape operation before
>making changes to the fabric.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
>Behalf Of
>Herrmann, Boris
>Sent: 22 September 2005 08:59
>Subject: [ADSM-L] DB2 Redirect Restore
>Hello there!
>We are trying to restore a DB2 Database over SAN. The 
>StorageAgent mount
>tape and the restore begins (creating the containers). After about 70
>minutes we got the following error : An I/O error -72 occured on media
>We've tried this a lot of times with the same result. Does anyone know
>this happens?
>Kind regards,
>Boris Herrmann

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