Hi Del

Thanks again for your help for the backup it's what I wanted ....

So if I understand you correctly I can't make a query as:

   tdpexccc query tsm "Second Storage Group" FULL Users8

Got invalid option ....

Regards  Robert 

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Del Hoobler
Sent: ו 16 ספטמבר 2005 13:17
Subject: Re: TDP for Exchange query


I don't understand the question.
There is no way to query just a single database from a FULL backup from the 
Data Protection for Exchange CLI.
Are you trying to do this from the Data Protection for Exchange CLI or as a TSM 
Server SHOW VERSION command?

If you want to run a Data Protection for Exchange CLI command to back up just 
the "Users8" database from the "Second Storage Group", you would issue this 

   TDPEXCC BACKUP "Second Storage Group" DBCOPY Users8




"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 09/16/2005
05:57:57 AM:

> Hi to all
> Question for TDP for Exchange gurus trying to figure the correct 
> syntax to query a specific object on my DB.
> When running in general the syntax :
> TDPEXCC query tsm * full
> The output look like this:
>                              Backup List
>                              -----------
>   Exchange Server  : EXCHSRV01
>   Storage Group    : First Storage Group
>       Backup Date         Size      A/I  B/U Type  Object Name/Database
> ---------------------  -----------  ---  --------
> 09/15/2005 19:02:31       107.88GB   A   full      20050915190231
>                            45.21GB                 Public Folder
> Store (EXCHSRV0
> 1)
>                            16.54GB                 Users1
>                            17.21GB                 Users2
>                            14.87GB                 Users3
>                            13.75GB                 Users4
>   Storage Group    : Second Storage Group
>       Backup Date         Size      A/I  B/U Type  Object Name/Database
> ---------------------  -----------  ---  --------
> 09/15/2005 21:57:45        18.75GB   A   full      20050915215745
>                         6,812.46MB                 Users5
>                         5,332.77MB                 Users6
>                           903.21MB                 Users7
>                         5,190.71MB                 Users8
>                           942.21MB                 VipUsers
> I want to query just the full objects of Users8 , did it a way ?????
> Made a list of the syntax exactly backup  and got:  EXCHSRV01\Second
> Storage Group    \data\0000\Users8\ dbcopy
> Tried a lot of syntax but always with no correct output.
> The purpose of this is to run a cmd with the exact syntax to backup a 
> Database copy  just Users8 on the Second Storage Group and not to be 
> oblige to do it from the gui .
> My DB is on a Windows2003 server with TDP exchange version
> Thanks again for your help
> Regards
> Robert Ouzen

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