Hi gang ! I had some problems last week to properly restore a win2k3 box using ASR diskette, therefore decided to perform some tests on an unused machine (IBM server , OS : WIN2K3 enterprise server, no SP): I installed TSM client 5.3.0, made a full backup, created the ASR diskette, and then tried a DR restore. To my surprise, short while after having been asked for the ASR diskette, system issued following warning :
Setup was unable to restore the configuration of your system because of the following error: The capacity of the current system disk drive is insufficient, and cannot be used to recover the partitions on the original system disk. The replacement hard disk drives must be at least as large as the disks present on the original system. I find it pretty strange to get this message, as absolutely nothing has been changed on this server in between time where I generated the ASR diskette and where I booted the system from Win CD to simulate a DR. What could be wrong here ? TSM bug ? Thanks for any advice ! Cheers. Arnaud ************************************************************************ ****** Panalpina Management Ltd., Basle, Switzerland, CIT Department Viadukstrasse 42, P.O. Box 4002 Basel/CH Phone: +41 (61) 226 11 11, FAX: +41 (61) 226 17 01 Direct: +41 (61) 226 19 78 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ************************************************************************ ******