
I don't believe that 100GB is a "magic" limit.  Just doesn't make sense.
The TSM server is a very complex thing; there are many factors affecting
performance, as others have stated.  For the record, we run a 370GB TSM on
an HP rp7410 with (8) 875MHz processors and 12GB RAM.  This is a Unix
(HP-UX) machine.  On the weekends, we typically have over 100 backup
sessions running at some times, and during those periods, the CPU
utilization (all 8 processors) goes to nearly 100%.  But, the TSM DB just
runs and runs.  Others have highlighted expiration problems;  due to
circumstances beyond my control, we cannot delete anything at the moment,
so I don't run any expirations at all.  When we start them again (someday
soon, I hope), I suspect they will run a long time ):.  Although the TSM DB
size itself does not appear to be a problem, it does make DB restores (done
regularly in Disaster Recovery tests) take quite some time.  It can take up
to a full day to get my TSM ready to start client restores in DR tests.
For that reason, among others, I am planning to split to several TSM
DB's... but they will all be hosted on the same physical server.

Robin Sharpe
Berlex Labs

                      Hans Christian
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  To:     ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU
                      Sent by: "ADSM:  cc:
                      Dist Stor        Subject:
                      Manager"                 Trouble when TSM-database 
reaches 100Gb?
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      09/01/2005 04:16
                      Please respond
                      to "ADSM: Dist
                      Stor Manager"


we are experiencing throughput problems on our TSM-installation. Apart
from he obvious that we have too few tape drives, bottlenecks in our LAN
and an old AIX-box, we got a suggestion to add another TSM-server. The
reason was that the performance degrades when the TSM-database reaches
about 100Gb in size.

We find it a little troublesome to add a new TSM server every time we
reach 100 Gb, we would rather just buy us a new AIX-box which is 5 times

So I ask you if this 100 Gb limitiation really applies. What is your
experience with this?

Server version
Ca. 100 clients.

Best regards

Hans Chr. Riksheim

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