Hi to All
I ceated a server to server backup db from Server1 source (Windows)  to  
Server2  target (Unix) working like a dream .......
Here some outputs:
Server1:    q drmedia * source=dbs
   Volume Name        State               Last Update
----------------   -----------------   -------------------
ADSM.DBS.125757-   Remote              09/03/2005 16:30:18
ADSM.DBS.125671-   Remote              09/02/2005 16:30:18
Server2:  q fi postbackn
              q occ postbackn
              q vol 000032L2  f=d
              q content 000032L2
(look the file attach for those output's)
I run every day  an expire inventory on Server1 and Server2 and before the 
backup db I run on Server1 (source):
   delete volhistory todate=today-2 totime=now+1 type=DBS
My question is I saw correctly two DBS series as I wanted but the tape on 
server2 (target) is growing  sawing 0.0 Pct.Reclaimable space despite of my del 
voh every day and expiration.
Did I miss something I expect that my pct.reclaimable will grow (by deleting my 
old DBS) I check to my policy of this client (of type server) and my archive 
copy group is correct and activate for just 3 days 
Any ideas !!!!
Regards Robert Ouzen
Node Name           Filespace       FSID     Platform     Filespace     Is 
Files-     Capacity       Pct
                    Name                                  Type            pace  
          (MB)      Util
---------------     -----------     ----     --------     ---------     
---------     --------     -----
POSTBACKN           ADSM.SERVER        2     Windows      ADSM_FS          No   
      409,600.     100.0

Node Name      Type     Filespace       FSID     Storage        Number of      
Physical       Logical
                        Name                     Pool Name          Files       
  Space         Space
Occupied      Occupied
   (MB)          (MB)
----------     ----     ----------     -----     ----------     ---------     
---------     ---------
POSTBACKN      Arch     ADSM.SERV-         2     I2000_POS-             6     
31,757.04     31,757.04
                         ER                       TBACK                         

Volume Name                  Storage         Device         Estimated       Pct 
     Volume        Pct. Recla-     
                             Pool Name       Class Name      Capacity       
Util      Status            imable     
                              Sides        nted                                 
                            Errors       rors                  Capable          
------------------------     -----------     ----------     -------------   
-----     --------     ----------- 
000032L2                     I2000_POST-     I2000CLASS     381,468.0        
8.3     Filling          0.0       

List Volume Content to File - 000032L2
Node Name*File Type*File Space Name*Client Name of File*Size of Stored 
File*Part of File Stored on this Volume/Total Parts*Cached Copy*Aggregated
POSTBACKN       Arch    ADSM.SERVER     ADSM/ADSM.DBS.125415357 DBS.OBJ.1       
5048.64 M       1/1     No      No      
POSTBACKN       Arch    ADSM.SERVER     ADSM/ADSM.DBS.125473976 DBS.OBJ.1       
5221.05 M       1/1     No      No      
POSTBACKN       Arch    ADSM.SERVER     ADSM/ADSM.DBS.125498617 DBS.OBJ.1       
5221.21 M       1/1     No      No      
POSTBACKN       Arch    ADSM.SERVER     ADSM/ADSM.DBS.125585018 DBS.OBJ.1       
5492.71 M       1/1     No      No      
POSTBACKN       Arch    ADSM.SERVER     ADSM/ADSM.DBS.125671418 DBS.OBJ.1       
5384.66 M       1/1     No      No      
POSTBACKN       Arch    ADSM.SERVER     ADSM/ADSM.DBS.125757818 DBS.OBJ.1       
5388.78 M       1/1     No      No      

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