Ok.. Thanks for your responses Mark!

Ive been looking into this since your last post...

 lets see if I understand this correctly..

According to the admin ref guide for version 5.2..

"Simultaneous Write to a Primary Storage Pool and Copy Storage Pools

 To simultaneously write data to a primary storage pool and one or more
copy storage pools, you can specify a list of copy storage pools in a
primary storage pool definition using the COPYSTGPOOLS parameter. When a
client backs up, archives, or migrates a file or when the server imports
a file, the file is written to the primary storage pool and is
simultaneously stored into each copy storage pool."

Presumably, this means that if I upgrade to 5.2 or above I can achieve
my goal.. which is... to write backups to two different pools (one
primary, one copystg pool) in two different locations (all connected by
fibre) simultaneously.. ie read the data from each client ONCE, and then
write it to two locations simultaneously.

Do you agree?



-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Stapleton, Mark
Sent: 02 September 2005 14:57
Subject: Re: Dual write to multiple copy storage pools

I should clarify my answer.

There is no automated way to send initial backups to a primary storage
pool (DISKPOOL, for example) *and* multiple different copy storage
pools. You can modify a primary storage pool definition to concurrently
write to 1 primary and 1 copy storage pool concurrently:

  upd stg diskpool copystg=offsitetapepool

As to whether future release will allow automated writing to multiple
copy storage pools: probably not. Why? I have seen dozens of TSM
environment; not a single one of them used multiple copy storage pools
for the same data. (This is not to say they don't exist; I have just
have never seen one.) Why should Tivoli invest coding and debugging time
to such a feature when they have their plates full with more pressing

Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
IBM Certified Advanced Deployment Professional
  Tivoli Storage Management Solutions 2005
IBM Certified Advanced Technical Expert (CATE) AIX
Office 262.521.5627


>-----Original Message-----
>From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
>Behalf Of Timothy Hughes
>Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 8:45 AM
>Subject: Re: Dual write to multiple copy storage pools
>Hi Mark,
>Do you know if it will be possible to do this later TSM versions?
>"Stapleton, Mark" wrote:
>> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
>> Behalf Of Jon Evans
>> >can I do the same with my management class and specify in the backup
>> >copy group that the initial backup goes to two storage pools
>> >concurrently?
>> Nope.
>> --
>> Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>> IBM Certified Advanced Deployment Professional
>>   Tivoli Storage Management Solutions 2005
>> IBM Certified Advanced Technical Expert (CATE) AIX
>> Office 262.521.5627
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