On Mon, Aug 29, 2005 at 10:31:53AM -0400, Debbie Bassler wrote:
> Our TSM server, 5.1, is on an AIX OS, 4.3.3. Does anyone know of a log
> containing information about the tape drives? One of our drives has been
> inaccessible since 3:20 this morning. I'd like to write a script to page
> me when this happens, but, I don't know if there is a log available to
> pull the information from.
Hello Debbie,
there are different ways for a Script that feed your needs:
1. AIX Way
Check the error-Reporter (errpt) of AIX for your Tape-Messages

2. TSM Way
Check your Tapes and Paths with the dsmcadmc-command line and Mail the Result on


Darth Vader:
        Luke, help me take this mask off.
Luke Skywalker:
        But you'll die.
Darth Vader:
        Nothing can stop that now. Just for once, let me
        look upon you with my own eyes.

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