Thank for your help,
I have some questions to you

>>>>>if you plan on using this i do not recomend useing it on mission
critical machines, this is good for low profile machines, desktop machines
and static servers. but then again sysprep is better in solving that.
What is SYSPREP ?

I also implement BMR as "Disaster Rescovery Strategies" redbook guide. 
Server : TSM 5.3 server
Client : TSM 5.3, OS : Win2k, database SQL2000, and some apllication 

I full backup system drive (C:) and the other drives. Although, capacity of
system drive is 4.8 GB, but when I full backup, I receive a report : "Byte
tranferred : 3.7 GB". I only exclude some files or directories as Temporary
Internet Files, Recycled, Recycler.
When I finish restoring process, I boot machine again and start Microsoft
Office or Outlook, I always receive a requirement installing Office or
Therefore, I think the error causes above backup process.


-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Pétur Eyþórsson
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: Image backup


you can take a phicial drive on annother machine an plug it in with a 
running system, you do not need to format it. just plug it in and make the 
OS see the logical device. then you can restore the image on that device, 
then you need to put that drive phisically on the failed machine, and make 
the machine boot on that device. 
Or you can just have 2 logical partitions on your machine one that you 
boot up and then you restore the image on the logical partition that is 
not in use by the OS. after that you need to modify the startup sequence 
to boot from the restored partition.

Be Warned! the system image may not be consistent across components (such 
as Active Directory). Some of these components can be configured to use 
different volumes where parts are installed on the system drive and others 
to non-system volumes.

but basicly there is NO simple BMR on Win2k or Win2003 for that matter, 

if you plan on using this i do not recomend useing it on mission critical 
machines, this is good for low profile machines, desktop machines and 
static servers. but then again sysprep is better in solving that.

hope this helps.

Kær kveðja / Best regards,
Pétur Eyþórsson  · Tæknilegur ráðgjafi eServer & Storage · Tivoli Advanced 
Storage Solutons Professional
 · MCSE · SNIA Professional  ·  SNIA FC-SAN Practitioner  ·  IBM C AIX S · 
Sími/tel: +354 569-7700 · GSM: +354 863-0560


nghiatd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
16.08.2005 04:43
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>


[ADSM-L] Image backup

Hi all,

I want to implement BMR for Win2K. I backup C:\ drive ( system dirve) with 
image type.
Howerver, TSM help wrote : "If you created an image of the system drive, 
you cannot restore the image to the same location because the client 
cannot have an exclusive lock of the system drive."
Therefore, If I want restore system drive with image backup,  I have to 
restore image backup system to other location and copy them to the 
original location. Can I do that ?

Thank a lot,


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