Mark here the output's

tsm: ADSM>q stg i2000_server1 f=d

               Storage Pool Name: I2000_SERVER1
               Storage Pool Type: Primary
               Device Class Name: I2000CLASS
         Estimated Capacity (MB): 3,815 G
                        Pct Util: 0.0
                        Pct Migr: 10.0
                     Pct Logical: 100.0
                    High Mig Pct: 100
                     Low Mig Pct: 99
                 Migration Delay: 0
              Migration Continue: Yes
             Migration Processes:
               Next Storage Pool:
            Reclaim Storage Pool:
          Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
                          Access: Read/Write
                     Description: Storage for Postback server
               Overflow Location:
           Cache Migrated Files?:
                      Collocate?: No
           Reclamation Threshold: 100
 Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 10
   Delay Period for Volume Reuse: 0 Day(s)
          Migration in Progress?: No
            Amount Migrated (MB): 0.00
Elapsed Migration Time (seconds): 0
        Reclamation in Progress?: No
 Volume Being Migrated/Reclaimed:
  Last Update by (administrator): CCC
           Last Update Date/Time: 08/02/2005 12:42:13
        Storage Pool Data Format: Native
            Copy Storage Pool(s):
         Continue Copy on Error?:
                        CRC Data: No

tsm: ADSM>q node postback t=s f=d

                     Node Name: POSTBACK
                      Platform: Windows
               Client OS Level: (?)
                Client Version: (?)
            Policy Domain Name: STANDARD
         Last Access Date/Time: 08/10/2005 21:52:17
        Days Since Last Access: <1
        Password Set Date/Time: 08/02/2005 11:23:17
       Days Since Password Set: 8
         Invalid Sign-on Count: 0
                       Locked?: No
                   Compression: Client
       Archive Delete Allowed?: Yes
        Backup Delete Allowed?: Yes
        Registration Date/Time: 08/02/2005 11:19:08
     Registering Administrator: CCC
Last Communication Method Used:
   Bytes Received Last Session: 0
       Bytes Sent Last Session: 0
      Duration of Last Session: 0.00
   Pct. Idle Wait Last Session: 0.00
more...   (<ENTER> to continue, 'C' to cancel)

  Pct. Comm. Wait Last Session: 0.00
  Pct. Media Wait Last Session: 0.00
                     Node Type: Server
    Password Expiration Period:
             Keep Mount Point?: No
  Maximum Mount Points Allowed: 2
        Auto Filespace Rename : Yes
             Validate Protocol: No
                   TCP/IP Name:
                TCP/IP Address:
            Globally Unique ID:
         Transaction Group Max: 0
               Data Write Path: ANY
                Data Read Path: ANY
            Session Initiation: ClientOrServer
            High-level Address:
             Low-level Address: 

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark D. 
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 9:58 PM
Subject: Re: Server to Server migration question


You are right it looks like the destination is correct.  I am assuming the 
error message you got was on the target server, correct?  What is the output of:

q stg f=d

I am wondering if I2000_server1 has its "nest storage pool" set to migrate to 
diskpool.  If so then if I2000_server1 has no space or has a "max size 
threshold" set than it might be trying to send it directly to the "next storage 
pool" of diskpool.  Another thing to look at is:

q node postback t=s f=d

In particular lets look at the "Maximum Mount Points Allowed" and make sure it 
is 1 or more.

This is a little strange but I am sure we can figure it out.

Mark D. Rodriguez
President MDR Consulting, Inc.

MDR Consulting
The very best in Technical Training and Consulting.
IBM Advanced Business Partner
SAIR Linux and GNU Authorized Center for Education IBM Certified Advanced 
Technical Expert, CATE AIX Support and Performance Tuning, RS6000 SP, TSM/ADSM 
and Linux Red Hat Certified Engineer, RHCE 

Robert Ouzen wrote:

>Hi mark
>Here the output attach ....look at destnation corect storage pool
>Regards Robert
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
>Of Mark D. Rodriguez
>Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 9:19 PM
>Subject: Re: Server to Server migration question
>Could you please post the output of the following commands:
>q mg standard active
>q co standard active t=a f=d
>Then I can see a little more clearly what might be going on.
>Mark D. Rodriguez
>President MDR Consulting, Inc.
>MDR Consulting
>The very best in Technical Training and Consulting.
>IBM Advanced Business Partner
>SAIR Linux and GNU Authorized Center for Education IBM Certified 
>Advanced Technical Expert, CATE AIX Support and Performance Tuning, 
>RS6000 SP, TSM/ADSM and Linux Red Hat Certified Engineer, RHCE 
>Robert Ouzen wrote:
>>Hi Mark
>>First thanks for the response ......
>>I didn't mention before but I thought too and I made an archive copy 
>>group  with destination I2000_SERVER1 , active archive policy correct 
>>Make no sense
>>I did before an export node from the source server to the target 
>>server with domain=standard and toserver=server2, he wrote correctly 
>>on a scratch tape under I2000_SERVER1
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
>>Of Mark D. Rodriguez
>>Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 8:54 PM
>>Subject: Re: Server to Server migration question
>>When you are doing virtual volumes like you are doing the virtual volume on 
>>the target server is actually managed as an archive object.
>>Therefore, I would bet that the archive copygroup for that management class 
>>is pointing at the diskpool.  Also, it is a good practice to put server nodes 
>>for virtual volumes into a separate domain so as not to get them confused 
>>with other nodes policies.  Remember that although it is using an archive 
>>copygroup the only attribute it cares about is the destination storage pool.  
>>Retention time is irrelevant since it is managed by the source server.
>>Good luck and let us know how you made out.
>>Mark D. Rodriguez
>>President MDR Consulting, Inc.
>>MDR Consulting
>>The very best in Technical Training and Consulting.
>>IBM Advanced Business Partner
>>SAIR Linux and GNU Authorized Center for Education IBM Certified 
>>Advanced Technical Expert, CATE AIX Support and Performance Tuning, 
>>RS6000 SP, TSM/ADSM and Linux Red Hat Certified Engineer, RHCE 
>>Robert Ouzen wrote:
>>>Hi to all
>>>I tried to make a server to server migration here the steps I made:
>>>    On source Server named SERVER1
>>>1. I define a server SERVER2 (target server)  2. I define a devclass 
>>>SERVERCLASS with device type SERVER and servername SERVER2  3. I 
>>>create a stg SERVER1_POOL with devclass SERVERCLASS
>>>    On target Server named SERVER2
>>>1.  I define a server SERVER1 (source server) with nodename POSTBACK 2.
>>>I create a nodename of type SERVER named POSTBACK 3.  I add this 
>>>nodename to the STANDARD policy with a copypool destination named
>>>I2000_SERVER1 (tape storagepool) 4.  Activate the STANDARD policy
>>>I update my primary stg on SERVER1 (source server) named primarypool 
>>>with next stg SERVER1_POOL
>>>The migration start I see both on the source and target server activity on 
>>>the actlog but I got always this error message:
>>>08/10/2005 20:05:23  ANR0520W Transaction failed for session 23881 for node
>>>                    POSTBACK (Windows) - storage pool DISKPOOL is not
>>>                    defined. (SESSION: 23881)
>>>Why trying to store on DISKPOOL storage ???? I doubled check my STANDARD 
>>>policy and my copygroup is I2000_SERVER1 (I activate several times the 
>>>STANDARD policy and check the active policy to see that I2000_SERVER1 is 
>>>correct in did !!!!
>>>My TSM version on the source server is Windows      O.S
>>>My TSM version on the target server  is AIX-RS/6000  O.S
>>>Any suggestion ?????
>>>Robert Ouzen
>>>e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Policy        Policy        Mgmt          Default       Description           
>>       Space Manag-     Auto-Migrate     Migration     Migration        Last 
>>Update by      Last Upda-     Managing profile
>>Domain        Set Name      Class         Mgmt                                
>>       ement Techn-     on Non-Use       Requires      Destination      
>>(administrator)     te Date/T-
>>Name                        Name          Class ?                             
>>       ique                              Backup?                              
>>                 ime
>>---------     ---------     ---------     ---------     
>>------------------------     ------------     ------------     ---------     
>>------------     ---------------     ----------     --------------------
>>STANDARD      ACTIVE        STANDARD      Yes           Installed default     
>>       Automatic        30               Yes           I2000_POSTB-     
>>ROBERT              08/10/2005
>>                                                         management class.    
>>                                                         ACK                  
>>                 12:34:57
>>Policy        Policy        Mgmt          Copy          Copy            
>>Retain     Retention        Retain     Copy Serializ-          Copy     Copy 
>>Mode       Copy Destin-     Last Update by               Last Update          
>>Managing profile
>>Domain        Set Name      Class         Group         Group          
>>Version     Initiation      Minimum     ation              Frequency          
>>           ation            (administrator)               Date/Time
>>Name                        Name          Name          Type                  
>>                        Days
>>---------     ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------     
>>--------     ----------     --------     --------------     ---------     
>>-----------     ------------     --------------------     
>>--------------------     --------------------
>>STANDARD      ACTIVE        STANDARD      STANDARD      Archive            
>>365     Creation                    Shared Static            CMD     Absolute 
>>       I2000_POSTB-     ROBERT                   08/10/2005 20:04:38

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