TSM Server AIX /  AIX 5.3

TSM B/A Client for Windows 5.2.2

Windows Server 2003 v 5.02

I am receiving the following error trying to restore SYSTEMSTATE. I get
same error from GUI and cmd line.  Any suggestions would be appreciated...

tsm> q systemstate
             Size      Backup Date        Mgmt Class A/I File
             ----      -----------        ---------- --- ----
   488,430,629  B  11/22/2004 22:07:34    DEFAULT     A  FULL SYSTEM
tsm> restore systemstate -verbose
Restore System State using shadow copy...
Restore System State: 'System Files'.

Restore System State: 'Registry'.

Restore System State: 'Active Directory'.

Restore System State: 'System Volume'.

Restore System State: 'COM+ Database'.

 ** Interrupted **
ANS1114I Waiting for mount of offline media.
Restoring           1,612 SYSTEM STATE\adsm.sys\xml.state\COMPDB.xml

Restoring           1,746 SYSTEM STATE\adsm.sys\xml.state\NTDS.xml [Done]
Restoring           4,638 SYSTEM STATE\adsm.sys\xml.state\REGISTRY.xml

Restoring         427,062 SYSTEM STATE\adsm.sys\xml.state\SYSFILES.xml

Restoring           2,330 SYSTEM STATE\adsm.sys\xml.state\SYSVOL.xml

Restoring           3,034 SYSTEM STATE\adsm.sys\xml.state\tsm.xml [Done]
ANS1899I ***** Examined     1,000 files *****
ANS1899I ***** Examined     2,000 files *****

Total number of objects restored:         6
Total number of objects failed:           0
Total number of bytes transferred:    431.66 KB
Data transfer time:                    0.42 sec
Network data transfer rate:        1,022.89 KB/sec
Aggregate data transfer rate:          1.41 KB/sec
Elapsed processing time:           00:05:05
ANS4005E Error processing '': file not found        <========   any ideas
on this?

Thanks in advance!!

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