For the past several days, I have been getting ANR2997W messages starting with "ANR2997W The server log is 80 percent full. The server will delay transactions by 3 milliseconds." The messages appear 4 times per SECOND, and the percent goes up (it hit 87 yesterday). Then a db backup completes, and I get ANR2996I saying that the server log is 0 percent full.
I have 2 questions: 1) Is the "server log" in ANR2997W the recovery log? Until I did some digging to ask this question, I thought it might have meant the activity log. 2) Why am I getting these messages? I can't find any setting that says 80 is a magic number that makes sense for this message. DB is 79.3 Pct Util (that's the Max Pct Util, too) DB Backup Trigger has Log Full Percentage = 85 DB Space Trigger has DB Full Percentage = 80 Recovery Log is currently 79 Pct Util (Max is 91.2) Recovery Log Space Trigger has LOG Full Percentage = 90. Server Options has LogWarnFullPercent = 90 Logmode is RollForward. Neither the DB nor Recovery Log have taken any expansion volumes. TSM on AIX. Nancy Reeves Technical Support, Wichita State University [EMAIL PROTECTED] 316-978-3860