
If you guys WANTED to stick with IBM, they have SATA available on
certain FastT models (or DSXXXX whatever they've changed the name to
this month).

I've not got experience with the other two. Sorry I couldn't help out there.

John E. Vincent

Phil Jones wrote:
Hi Guys - I know this is a little off the TSM subject, so please accept my
apologies for wasting anyone's' time.

We are about to install a HSM system to manage our 1.4TB Netware File
Systems\Servers and I'm a HSM novice.

We are intending to use a 10 x 400Gb SATA second tier storage solution and
are undecided whether to go with a DotHill SANNet or an Adaptec FS4500 SATA

Being a mainly IBM shop I am unfamiliar we either of theses products and
would be very grateful for any experience or knowledge of gotchas with

Kind Regards

Phil Jones
United Biscuits

e-mail: phil_jones at biscuits dot com


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