Ruud, check your message file (if it si not corrupted or some other problem on filesystem level) and if everything is OK, check your LANG environment variable. It should contain the same value as teh name of subdirectory in TSM API directory which contain messages file.
Hope this helps Jozef ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SecurIT BV Overschiestraat 184k 1062 XK AMSTERDAM T +31 (0)20 408 44 27 F +31 (0)20 408 44 25 M +31 (0)65 116 2671 email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] internet: SecurIT is a Tivoli Premier Business Partner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Van Ruler, Ruud R SITI-ITIBHS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> 06/20/2005 03:08 PM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> To ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU cc Subject [ADSM-L] BKI5012E: Cannot open TSM API message text file Hi recently (it has been working fine) got the following errors : BR229I Calling backup utility... BR278I Command output of '/usr/sap/X60/SYS/exe/run/backint -u X60 -f backup -i /oracle/X60/sapbackup/.adqfhubf.lst -t file -p /oracle/X60/dbs/initX60.utl.brarchive -c': Data Protection for technology Interface between SAPDBA Utilities and Tivoli Storage Manager - Version 3, Release 3, Modification 2 for AIX LF 64-bit - Build: 196J compiled on Jun 5 2003 (c) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1996, 2003, All Rights Reserved. BKI2027I: Using TSM-API version (compiled with BKI2000I: Successfully connected to PROLE on port tdpr3ora64. BKI0005I: Start of program at: Mon Jun 20 14:33:28 2005 . BKI5012E: Cannot open TSM API message text file. Check if DSMI_DIR is set correctly. Current value of DSMI_DIR is: BKI0020I: End of program at: Mon Jun 20 14:33:28 2005 . BKI0021I: Elapsed time: 00 sec . BKI0024I: Return code is: 2. BR280I Time stamp 2005-06-20 14.33.28 BR279E Return code from '/usr/sap/X60/SYS/exe/run/backint -u X60 -f backup -i /oracle/X60/sapbackup/.adqfhubf.lst -t file -p /oracle/X60/dbs/initX60.utl.brarchive -c': 2 anyone any ideas ? thanks in advance Ruud van Ruler, SAP R/3 Basis Engineer - ITIBHS Shell Information Technology International B.V Room 1A/G03 Dokter van Zeelandstraat 1, 2285 BD Leidschendam NL Tel : +31 (0)70 - 3034644, Fax 4011, Mobile +31 (0)6-55127646 Email Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]