Looking at the config, this appears to be lanfree backup client.  If the
lanfree is broken, then normally TSM client will default to tcpip over lan.
If this is so, then I do see TSM storage agent version mismatch.  From what
I understand, TSM server code and TSM storage agent should match.
Is it possible that Lanfree was put in place to over come possible network
performance issue?

Check the activity log for q actlog begind=-1 s=lanfree.  If you are not
getting any lanfree for this client or any other clients then I would
examine the SAN/Switch configuration.  Sometimes I have seen where recycle
of storage agent can help with this.


Sung Y. Lee

"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 06/23/2005
02:54:38 PM:

> I have a performance issue here, any input would be greatly appreciated.
> TSM Server: 5.3 on AIX 5.3
> TSM Client:  5.2.3 on HP-UX B.11.11
> TSM Storag Agent 5.2.3
> Tape Library: IBM 3584 LTO2 with 12 drives
> The backup throughput is not good.
> 06/17/05   06:59:51 Total number of objects inspected:  375,305
> 06/17/05   06:59:51 Total number of bytes transferred:    137.57 GB
> 06/17/05   06:59:51 Elapsed processing time:           11:16:41
> 06/18/05   05:15:41 Total number of objects inspected:  375,766
> 06/18/05   05:15:41 Total number of bytes transferred:    120.24 GB
> 06/18/05   05:15:41 Elapsed processing time:           09:32:08
> 06/19/05   06:37:26 Total number of objects inspected:  375,840
> 06/19/05   06:37:26 Total number of bytes transferred:    142.51 GB
> 06/19/05   06:37:26 Elapsed processing time:           10:54:18
> 06/20/05   06:04:59 Total number of objects inspected:  375,881
> 06/20/05   06:04:59 Total number of bytes transferred:    122.82 GB
> 06/20/05   06:04:59 Elapsed processing time:           10:21:51
> 06/21/05   04:58:34 Total number of objects inspected:  376,030
> 06/21/05   04:58:34 Total number of bytes transferred:    123.83 GB
> 06/21/05   04:58:34 Elapsed processing time:           09:15:27
> 06/22/05   06:44:12 Total number of objects inspected:  376,119
> 06/22/05   06:44:12 Total number of bytes transferred:    138.77 GB
> 06/22/05   06:44:12 Elapsed processing time:           11:01:06
> 06/23/05   13:45:24 Total number of objects inspected:  376,478
> 06/23/05   13:45:24 Total number of bytes transferred:    291.25 GB
> 06/23/05   13:45:24 Elapsed processing time:           18:02:19
> dsm.sys
> SErvername  tsm
>    COMMmethod         TCPip
>    TCPPort            1500
>    HTTPport           1581
>    WEBPORTS           1582 1583
>    TCPServeraddress
> node sm54
> passwordaccess generate
> Schedmode prompted
> errorlogname /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmerror.log
> errorlogretention 30
> schedlogname /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmsched.log
> schedlogretention 7
> resourceutilization 3
> tcpwindowsize 128
> tcpbuffsize 64
> TCPNodelay Yes
> largecommbuffers no
> compression no
> enablelanfree yes
> TxnByteLimit 2097152
> Except I found one warning message from dsmerror.log, nothing else:
> 06/17/05   19:43:32 SetSocketOptions(): Warning. The TCP window size
> defined to ADSM is not supported by your system.
> It will be to set default size - 65535
> 06/18/05   19:43:07 SetSocketOptions(): Warning. The TCP window size
> defined to ADSM is not supported by your system.
> It will be to set default size - 65535
> 06/19/05   19:43:07 SetSocketOptions(): Warning. The TCP window size
> defined to ADSM is not supported by your system.
> It will be to set default size - 65535
> 06/20/05   19:43:06 SetSocketOptions(): Warning. The TCP window size
> defined to ADSM is not supported by your system.
> It will be to set default size - 65535
> 06/21/05   19:43:05 SetSocketOptions(): Warning. The TCP window size
> defined to ADSM is not supported by your system.
> It will be to set default size - 65535
> 06/22/05   19:43:04 SetSocketOptions(): Warning. The TCP window size
> defined to ADSM is not supported by your system.
> It will be to set default size - 65535

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