
Thanks for the offer. We have our TSM servers and tapes located at a site
different from the nodes that are being backed up. Someone clever here
found this as a way to take care of off site backups without having to move
things to off site. So, in essence all of our backups are offsite.


             "Allen S. Rout"
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
             Sent by: "ADSM:                                            To
             Dist Stor       
             Manager"                                                   cc
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
             .edu>                                                 Subject
                                       [ADSM-L] Once more into the
                                       breach... (remote offsite
             06/09/2005 10:54          partners?)

             Please respond to
              "Allen S. Rout"
               <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi, I'm making my biannual quavery request for anybody with good network
wants to explore trading remote offsites.  I can offer your copies a nice
air-conditioned 3494, with 24x7 operations staffing and a big ol' generator
out back.

- Allen S. Rout

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