Larry -

Search on ANS0328E at the IBM site for APARs which describes the
consistency problem which is occurring where management classes are

   Richard Sims

On May 27, 2005, at 10:45 AM, Lawrence Clark wrote:

Last night we had an error on all our MS-SQL backups using the TSM
The only change to the configuration was that
explicit mangement class assignments were added in the optioins file
for the API. The management class for the databases
backed up are assigned correctly and the backups appear to all have

1). These are the errors that show:

ACO5436E A failure occurred on stripe number (0), rc = 1301

ANS0328E (RC45)  The specified objects failed the merge test.

2). This is what was found looking up the errors. I looked thru
manuals and
can find no reference to 'merge test parameters'.

ACO5436E A failure occurred on stripe number
(stripe number), rc = return code

Explanation: A failure occurred on the numbered
System Action: Processing ends.
User Response: There should be other messages along
with this one. Refer to the other messages to determine
the problem.

ANS0328E The specified objects failed the merge
Explanation: The specified objects failed the merge
test, operation cannot complete.
System Action: The requested operation failed.
User Response: See documentation for the merge test

Anyone acquainted with this?

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