Then, since TSM see them all as still active, I'd guess that Backtrack is not expiring the files.
David >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/20/05 11:05 AM >>> Yes, SQL-BACKTRACK is responsible for updating the status of the uniquely name file. >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/20/2005 10:43:53 AM >>> In TSM for Databases, each backup file has a unique name and rman is responsible for "deleting" them, thus triggering the TSM expiration cycle. Does Backtrack work the same way? >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/19/05 2:34 PM >>> Hi: We've just discovered q peculiar problem with expiration involing the SQL-BACKTRACK product and SYBASE and ORACLE databases. They do not appear to be expiring. The managment class rules are: DOMAIN_NAME CLASS_NAME VEREXISTS VERDELETED RETEXTRA RETONLY DESTINATION SPAIX DBBKUP1 60 0 30 0 AIXDISKBACK And a "query backup /BACKTRACK:obackups.physical/*/* -inactive" returns a HUGE list of files that are inactive. They should all have been deleted with the RETONLY set to 0. Am I missing something? A DB called SQL-BACKTRACK support and the responce was SQL-BACKTRACK marked them inactive; at that point TSM is not correctly removing them per the definitions. Flat files in other management groups are behaving correctly..... API 5,242,880 B 10/15/03 02:54:53 DBBKUP1 A /BACKTRACK:obackups.phy sical/BRSSBKUP/controlfiles-0.15-10-2003.02:55:41-21544 API 5,242,880 B 11/15/03 02:59:13 DBBKUP1 A /BACKTRACK:obackups.phy sical/BRSSBKUP/controlfiles-0.15-11-2003.02:59:04-43356 API 5,242,880 B 12/15/02 02:55:59 DBBKUP1 A /BACKTRACK:obackups.phy sical/BRSSBKUP/controlfiles-0.15-12-2002.02:55:42-31662 API 5,242,880 B 12/15/03 02:50:43 DBBKUP1 A /BACKTRACK:obackups.phy sical/BRSSBKUP/controlfiles-0.15-12-2003.02:50:28-19182 API 5,242,880 B 01/16/03 03:03:22 DBBKUP1 A /BACKTRACK:obackups.phy sical/BRSSBKUP/controlfiles-0.16-01-2003.03:03:16-32618 API 5,242,880 B 01/16/04 02:57:23 DBBKUP1 A /BACKTRACK:obackups.phy sical/BRSSBKUP/controlfiles-0.16-01-2004.02:57:00-28874 API 5,242,880 B 02/16/03 02:48:22 DBBKUP1 A /BACKTRACK:obackups.phy sical/BRSSBKUP/controlfiles-0.16-02-2003.02:48:26-21274 API 5,242,880 B 02/16/04 02:48:41 DBBKUP1 A /BACKTRACK:obackups.phy sical/BRSSBKUP/controlfiles-0.16-02-2004.02:48:10-39458 API 5,242,880 B 03/16/03 02:50:47 DBBKUP1 A /BACKTRACK:obackups.phy sical/BRSSBKUP/controlfiles-0.16-03-2003.02:50:59-32472 API 5,242,880 B 03/16/04 02:54:33 DBBKUP1 A /BACKTRACK:obackups.phy sical/BRSSBKUP/controlfiles-0.16-03-2004.02:54:33-33320 API 5,242,880 B 04/16/03 03:04:45 DBBKUP1 A /BACKTRACK:obackups.phy >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/10/2005 9:27:12 AM >>> Mario, We've been using St. Bernard OFM 9 in conjuction with TSM 5.2.2 (client vers. of course) to backup both our GroupWise 6, and now GroupWise 6.5 servers in the last year without problems. We've also done successful restores of the GroupWise servers. >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/09/05 3:41 PM >>> Hi list, I need to perform an online backup of a Novell Groupwise environment using TSM ... does anybody knows how can I accomplish this ? Thanks. Mario Yahoo! Mail Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour: