Try this,

select stgpool_name as "Storage Pool",cast(est_capacity_mb/1024 as
decimal(6,0)) as "Total GB",pct_utilized as "Percent Utilized",
cast((EST_CAPACITY_MB*pct_utilized/100/1024) as decimal(15,2))
"total_data_by_GB" from stgpools where stgpool_name='NAS_TOC'

I will throw out one i use for list of volumes

select volume_name,stgpool_name,status,access,cast((EST_CAPACITY_MB/1024)
as decimal(5,2)) as "Est_GB",pct_utilized,
cast((EST_CAPACITY_MB*pct_utilized/100/1024) as decimal(5,2))
"total_data_by_GB" from volumes where STGPOOL_NAME='insert_ur_stg_pool'
order by pct_utilized

Sung Y. Lee

"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 05/20/2005
01:16:40 PM:

> Hello everyone!
> I run the report below to see the level of our nas toc disk pool and I
> wondering if there is a way to also have another column called GB
> which multiplies total gb x percent utilized?  I have tried this in so
> different ways and I have not been successful.  I'm not sure what I have
> been doing wrong, but it just won't work.  Thank you in advance!
> select stgpool_name as "Storage Pool",cast(est_capacity_mb/1024 as
> decimal(6,0)) as "Total GB",pct_utilized as "Percent Utilized" from
> stgpools where stgpool_name='NAS_TOC'
> Results of report:
> Storage Pool           Total GB     Percent Utilized
> ------------------     --------     ----------------
> NAS_TOC                      64                 63.1
> ********************************
> Joni Moyer
> Highmark
> Storage Systems
> Work:(717)302-6603
> Fax:(717)302-5974
> ********************************

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